
Bylaws for the non-profit association Linköpings Tennisklubb, located in the municipality of Linköping. Established on March 28, 1916.

Bylaws approved by the annual meeting on February 13, 1994.Section 1 amended by the annual meeting on February 12, 1995.



Sport is a physical activity that people engage in to achieve exercise and recreation or to attain competitive results.

Goals and Direction

Sports should be oriented towards the positive development of individuals in terms of physical, psychological, social, and cultural aspects.

Sports should be organized based on democratic principles, striving for individual influence and responsibility in collective matters.

Sports should serve as an international means of communication and respect the equal value of all individuals.

(Decision of the National Sports Congress 1977)


1§ Purpose

The association shall conduct tennis activities.

The association's purpose is to conduct its sporting activities in accordance with the "Sports Goals and Direction" outlined above, with a specific aim to provide male and female players of all ages the opportunity to engage in tennis at recreational, competitive, and elite levels under enjoyable conditions.The association shall actively promote a drug-free sport in its activities.

2§ Composition

The association consists of individuals who have been admitted as members.

3§ Affiliation and more

The association is a member of the Swedish Tennis Association and is thereby affiliated with the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF).

Additionally, the association belongs to the district association (DF) within whose area the association's domicile is located, as well as the relevant SF district body within the district in which the association's domicile is situated.

The association is obliged to adhere to the statutes, competition rules, other regulations, and decisions made by superior sports organizations. At the request of RS or the relevant SF, SDF, or DF board, the association is obliged to provide the association's documents and furnish the requested information to these bodies.

4§ Decision making 

The association's decision-making bodies are the annual meeting, extraordinary annual meeting, and the board.

5§ Signatory Authority

The association's signature is valid when signed by the board, or if decided by the board, by two board members jointly or by a specifically designated person.

6§ Operational and Fiscal Year

The association's operational and fiscal year covers the period from January 1 to December 31.

7§ Interpretaion of the bylaws

In case of doubt regarding the interpretation of these bylaws, or in cases not foreseen by the bylaws, the matter shall be referred to the next annual meeting or resolved urgently by the board.By becoming a member of the association, a member commits not to bring legal action in general court regarding the application of these bylaws. Disputes over the application of the bylaws shall instead be resolved in accordance with the procedures stipulated within sports.

8§ Amendment of Bylaws

Amendment of these bylaws requires a decision by the annual meeting with at least a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.Proposals for amending the bylaws may be submitted in writing by both members and the board.

Dissolution of the Association 

For the dissolution of the association, a decision by two consecutive annual meetings is required, one of which must be an ordinary annual meeting, with at least a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at each respective meeting.

In the decision regarding the dissolution of the association, it shall be specified that the association's assets shall be used for a specific purpose promoting sports.

The decision, along with certified copies of the board's and annual meeting's minutes on the matter, as well as the audit report, balance sheet, and income statement, shall be immediately communicated to the relevant SF.


10 § Membership

Membership is granted by the board or by a person delegated by the board.Membership applications may only be rejected if there is reason to believe that the applicant will oppose the association's purpose or interests.Decisions to reject membership applications are made by the board.The decision should state the reasons and specify the steps the applicant must follow to appeal the decision. The decision should be communicated in writing to the person who had their membership application rejected within three days of the decision.Decisions to refuse membership may be appealed by the affected person within three weeks in accordance with the rules in the statutes of the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF).

11 § Resignation

A member who wishes to withdraw from the association should submit a written notice to the board and is then considered to have immediately left the association.A member who has not paid the membership fee for two consecutive years is considered to have requested withdrawal from the association. Membership ceases in such cases by removal from the membership register.

12 § Expulsion etc

Members may not be excluded from the association for reasons other than neglecting to pay fees determined by the association, opposing the association's activities or purpose, or causing obvious harm to the association's interests.Decisions regarding exclusion may be limited to a specific period.

Such time-limited exclusions may last for a maximum of six months from the date of the decision.If sufficient grounds for exclusion are not present, the association may issue a warning to the member instead.Decisions about exclusion or warnings may not be made without giving the member an opportunity to express their opinion on the circumstances that led to questioning their membership. The decision should state the reasons and specify the steps the member must take to appeal the decision. The decision should be communicated in writing to the concerned individual within three days of the decision date.Decisions about exclusion or warnings may be appealed by the concerned individual within three weeks in accordance with the rules in the statutes of the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF).

13 § Members rights and Obligations

A member:

  • has the right to participate in gatherings organized for members,
  • has the right to receive information about the association's affairs,
  • must adhere to the association's statutes and decisions made by association organs, as well as follow the statutes, regulations, and decisions of the organizations mentioned in Section 3,
  • does not have the right to a share of the association's assets or property upon dissolution of the association,
  • must pay membership fees by the designated date and any other fees determined by the association.

14 § Participation in sports activities

A member has the right to participate in the association's sports activities under forms accepted in sports and under the same conditions as other members.A member may not participate in competitions or exhibitions without the consent of the board or, if specified, the section board. If the competition or exhibition is held outside of Sweden, the respective national sports federation (SF) must also provide approval, unless SF has decided otherwise.If the organizer is not affiliated with the SF responsible for the respective sport, the member may participate only if SF has approved the competition or exhibition.


15 § Time, Notice

The annual meeting, the highest decision-making body of the association, is held before the end of March, at a time and place determined by the board.Notice for the annual meeting must be sent by the board to members at least three weeks before the meeting, or announced in a local newspaper. Furthermore, the notice along with the proposed agenda should be posted at the club's premises or another suitable location. If there are proposals for amendments to the statutes, dissolution, or merger with another association, or other matters of significant importance to the association or its members, it should be indicated in the notice.Activity and financial reports, auditor's reports, operational plans with budgets, as well as the board's proposals and received motions with the board's opinions, must be made available to members at least one week before the annual meeting. The notice should specify where these documents can be accessed.

16 § Proposed Matters for Annual Meeting

Both members and the board may submit matters for consideration at the annual meeting.Proposals from members must reach the board at least four weeks before the annual meeting. The board must provide a written response to the proposal at the annual meeting.

17 § Voting Rights, Expression, and Proposal Rights at the Annual Meeting

A member who has paid outstanding membership fees and is at least 15 years old during the meeting year has the right to vote at the meeting.Voting rights are personal and may not be exercised through proxies. Members without voting rights have the right to express their opinions and propose matters at the meeting.

18 § Quorum

The meeting is deemed quorate with the number of eligible voting members present at the meeting.

19 § Decisions and Voting

Decisions are made by acclamation (approval by members' voices) or, if requested, by voting.

Except for cases mentioned in Sections 8 and 9, all matters are decided by simple majority in a vote. Simple majority can be either absolute or relative.

Elections are decided by relative majority. Relative majority means that the candidate(s) with the highest number of votes is elected, regardless of how these votes relate to the total number of votes cast.

For decisions other than elections, an absolute majority is required, which means more than half of the votes cast.

Voting is done openly. However, if a voting member requests it, a secret ballot shall be conducted.

In the case of a tie in a vote that is not related to elections, the proposal supported by the meeting's chairperson, if they have voting rights, shall prevail. If the chairperson does not have voting rights, the decision shall be determined by lot. In the case of a tie in an election, the decision shall be determined by lot.

Decisions are confirmed by a club signal.

20 § Eligibility for Election

Eligible for election to the board and nomination committee are voting members of the association. However, employees within the association may not be elected as board members, nomination committee members, or auditors of the association.

21 § Matters at the Annual Meeting

The following shall be addressed and recorded at the annual meeting:

  1. Establishment of a list of eligible voters for the meeting.

  2. Election of chairperson and secretary for the meeting.

  3. Election of auditors of minutes and vote counters.

  4. Question of whether the meeting has been convened properly.

  5. Establishment of the agenda.

  6. a) The board's activity report for the most recent fiscal year,b) The board's financial report (balance sheet and income statement) for the most recent fiscal year.

  7. The auditors' report on the board's management during the most recent fiscal year.

  8. Question of granting discharge from liability to the board for the period under review.

  9. Determination of membership fees.

  10. Establishment of the operational plan and consideration of the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

  11. Consideration of the board's proposals and timely submitted motions.

  12. Election of:a) The association's chairperson for a term of one year;b) Half of the remaining board members for a term of two years;c) Four alternates to the board in a predetermined order for a term of two years;d) Two auditors and alternates for a term of one year. Members of the board may not participate in this election;e) Three members of the nomination committee for a term of one year, one of whom shall be elected as chairperson;f) Decision on the election of delegates to SDF meetings (and any other meetings where the association is entitled to representation with delegates).

  13. Other matters.

Decisions on matters of significant economic importance to the association or its members may not be made if they are not included in the notice for the meeting.

22 § Extra Annual Meeting

The board may convene an extra annual meeting.

The board is obliged to convene an extra annual meeting when requested by an auditor or at least one-tenth of the association's voting members. Such a request shall be in writing and include the reasons for the request.

Upon receiving a request for an extra annual meeting, the board shall call for such a meeting to be held within two months from the date of the request. Notice, along with a proposed agenda, for the extra annual meeting shall be sent to the members at least seven days before the meeting or announced within the same time frame in a local newspaper. Additionally, the notice along with the proposed agenda shall be posted at the club's premises or another suitable location.

If the board fails to convene an extra annual meeting, those who made the request may take action as mentioned in the preceding section.

At an extra annual meeting, only the matter that prompted the meeting shall be discussed.

The rules regarding voting rights and quorum for an extra annual meeting shall be as stipulated in Sections 17 and 18.


23 § Composition and Responsibilities

The nomination committee consists of a chairperson and two other members elected by the annual meeting. The number of other members shall be equally distributed between genders. Different age groups shall be represented.

The nomination committee shall appoint a vice-chairperson from among its members. The nomination committee shall meet when the chairperson or at least half of the members decide so.

The nomination committee shall, at least four weeks before the annual meeting, inquire whether those whose terms expire at the meeting wish to stand for the next term. The nomination committee shall inform voting members of its proposal at least two weeks before the annual meeting.


24 § Auditing

The auditors have the right to continuously review the association's accounts, minutes of annual meetings and board meetings, and other documents.

The association's accounts shall be made available to the auditors no later than one month before the annual meeting.

The auditors shall examine the board's management and accounts for the most recent fiscal year and submit an audit report to the board no later than 14 days before the annual meeting.


25 § Composition 

The board consists of a chairperson and up to eight other members. The board shall include both men and women.

The board shall appoint from within its members a vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officers.

In the event of a member's absence, an alternate shall assume the role according to the order determined by the annual meeting. If a member resigns before the end of their term, an alternate shall take their place according to the same order until the next annual meeting.

The board may appoint a person as an adjunct member. Such a member does not have voting rights but may be granted the right to express opinions and propose matters by the board's decision. They may also be assigned a position within the board.

26 § Responsibilities of the Board

When the annual meeting is not convened, the board is the decision-making body of the association and is responsible for the association's affairs.

The board shall, within the framework of the Sports Confederation's (RF), relevant National Sports Federation (SF), and these bylaws, be responsible for the association's operations according to established plans and safeguard the interests of the members.

In particular, it is the board's responsibility to:

  • Ensure compliance with applicable laws and binding regulations for the association.
  • Implement decisions made by the annual meeting.
  • Plan, lead, and allocate work within the association.
  • Be accountable for and manage the association's funds.
  • Provide the auditors with financial records, etc., in accordance with Section 24.
  • Prepare for the annual meeting.

The chairman is the official representative of the association. The chairman shall lead the board's discussions and work, and oversee compliance with the association's bylaws and other binding rules and decisions. In case of the chairman's absence, the vice chairman shall assume the chairman's role.

The board shall decide on the distribution of other tasks. In the absence of other decisions, the following tasks shall be assigned to the secretary and treasurer:


  • Prepare the board's meetings and the association's gatherings.
  • Keep minutes of the board's meetings.
  • Ensure that the association's documents are kept organized and stored securely and be responsible for documenting the association's history.
  • Ensure that decisions made are carried out.
  • If not otherwise determined by the chairman, sign outgoing documents.
  • Annually prepare a proposed activity report for the association.


  • Maintain a membership list and ensure that members pay the determined fees to the association.
  • Seek contributions from government, municipalities, sports organizations, etc., on behalf of the association.
  • Be responsible for the association's bookkeeping, which includes keeping accounts of the association's financial records.
  • Prepare annual balance sheets and income statements.
  • Prepare the basis for the budget and budget follow-up.
  • Ensure that the association's taxes, fees, and debts are paid on time.
  • Prepare and submit general tax declarations, special reports, control reports, collection declarations, and other required reports within the tax and fee domain, as necessary.
  • Maintain an inventory list, which includes any awards acquired by the association.
  • Ensure that both the association's members involved in the association's activities and the association's buildings, sports equipment, awards, and other belongings are adequately insured.

27 § Notice, Quorum, and Voting

The board meets upon the call of the chairman or when at least half of the board members have requested it.

The board is considered to have a quorum when all members have been called and at least half of the board members are present. For all decisions, at least half of the total board members must agree. In case of a tie vote, the chairman has the casting vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed.

In urgent cases, the chairman may decide that an issue shall be settled through written voting or a telephone meeting. If a separate protocol is not established, such a decision shall be reported at the next subsequent meeting.

Minutes shall be taken at meetings. Minutes shall be approved by the meeting chairman and a specially designated protocol adjuster. Dissenting opinions shall be recorded in the minutes.

28 § Delegation of Decision-Making Authority

The board may delegate its decision-making authority in individual matters or specific groups of matters to a section, committee, or other body, or to individual members or employees.

Those who make decisions based on authorization under the preceding section shall promptly inform the board thereof.